
Hey Mom….Lighten Up!

You have a heaping pile of obligations, responsibilities, commitments and chores and it takes focus, organization and excellent time management skills to get it all done. You accomplish in a day what most people do over the course of a week. You cross off tasks on your “to‐do” list with a heavy sigh and a sense of relief. So, instead of feeling great when you get it all done, why is it that you have that nagging sense of unease?

Chances are, in your effort to “get it all done” you’ve disregarded the need for fun, joy, passion and purpose. Maybe there’s a dream unfulfilled and your busy schedule doesn’t allow for any time to pursue a passion. Maybe there are needs unmet such as extra sleep, exercise or spending time with friends but your obligations don’t allow the extra time to fit it all in. Maybe you’re so busy, you haven’t even had the opportunity to think about what it is that you actually need and what is necessary to make you feel happy and complete. Yes, you may be getting it all done, but there’s a good chance it’s at the expense of a healthy and balanced body, mind and soul.

This is the way many moms are living today. They’re putting their needs at the bottom of the priority list because they’ve been conditioned to care for everyone else. They feel guilty when they show themselves any self-care and they’ve resigned themselves to thinking that this is what motherhood is. Well moms, the way you travel through motherhood is a very unique and personal decision. There is no “one size fits all” method, but instead many styles to choose from. So here’s a thought. Look at yourself through the eyes of your children and try to see how they view you. Are you silly, fun and relaxed or stressed, anxious and impatient? Does the way you look, feel and live set a positive example for your children to see and learn from? Once you get your answer, determine if that’s how you want to be viewed and if that’s the model of behavior you want to instill in your children.

You are the single biggest influence in your children’s lives. They watch, learn and copy your thoughts, words and actions. If you don’t like the image you’re projecting or the role model you’ve become…change!

When you find the time for whatever brings you joy, you feel better. When you feel better, you have more energy, patience and satisfaction in all that you do. Because you feel better, you’re able to bring a lighthearted, peaceful feeling to yourself, your family and everyone benefits as a result. So with that in mind, take some time to nurture yourself and your needs…for everyone’s sake.

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