
Kim Kardashian And Kanye West Turn Down $3 Million Offer For North’s Baby Photos

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are keeping their baby girl to themselves..for now!

Kim and Kanye have reportedly turned down a hefty offer for rights to the first photos of their baby girl, North West

Sources tell Us that the duo said no to an offer of $3 million from an Australian magazine!  “Kanye’s been adamant about not having the baby on the show. He was serious when he said North isn’t America’s baby, so he may not do anything.”

Perhaps Kim and Kanye refused because they already had an agreement in place before North’s birth and that’s why they’re saying no to any incoming offers.  With the lifestyle Kim leads and the way her family lets the public into her life through her reality shows, etc, I can’t imagine her being able to keep her daughter away from the media for too long.


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