katy perry

Katy Perry Talks Babies, Her Work Ethic And Divorce In New Interview

Katy Perry sat down with Marie Claire to chat in their new issue about everything from her relationship with John Mayer to her strong work ethic and her great parents. It would’ve been a great interview, but Katy once again throws ex-husband Russell Brand under the bus.  She gets in a few more vague digs about their split and I have to admit, it’s a bit of a turn off.  Russell has kept quiet and said nothing but kind words about Katy since the end of their brief marriage. He doesn’t bash her interviews, he just does his thing and keeps his private life very private now.  She’d win me back if she’d move on from it already.

Katy also chats about the way she thought her album would shape up and why she isn’t ready for babies just yet. 

Here’s an excerpt:

On not slowing down: “I’m never going to be lazy, because there are 500 other people waiting in line for this position.”

On being vulnerable: “I feel like my secret magic trick that separates me from a lot of my peers is the bravery to be vulnerable and truthful and honest. I think you become more relatable when you’re vulnerable. When you try to market yourself like some supernatural figurine who can’t be f***ed with, I always resort back to Scripture: ‘Pride comes before a fall.'”

On Prism, her new album: “I thought it was going to be a lot darker – acoustic or Fiona Apple-y. You know, a ‘hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’ vibe.”

On the dark hours following her split from ex-husband Russell Brand: “There were two weeks of my life after I found out the truth of my marriage where I was like, ‘OK. All right. I can’t feel this. This is too intense right now.’ I was, like, just eating Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and drinking, and that’s it.”

On her relationship with her parents: “People don’t understand that I have a great relationship with my parents – like, how that can exist. There isn’t any judgment. They don’t necessarily agree with everything I do, but I don’t necessarily agree with everything they do. They’re at peace with – they pray for me is what they do. They’re fascinated with the idea that they created someone who has this much attention on her. My parents are Republicans, and I’m not. They didn’t vote for Obama, but when I was asked to sign at the inauguration, they were like, ‘We can come.’ And I was like, ‘No, you can’t.’ They understood, but I was like, ‘How dare you?’ in a way.”

On practicing Transcendental Meditation: “the best thing I got out of my previous relationship, because it was introduced to me via my ex-husband.”

On her on-and-off relationship with boyfriend John Mayer: “I took a break from my boyfriend, not one that I wanted. It was like a splash of cold water to search inward on what was going on with me. That is what let me to this new  awakening, this realizing, If I don’t do some self-love, I’m not going to be able to keep the love that I want. I still needed to deal with all of my ex-husband stuff. I hadn’t. It’s almost like if I kept talking about it, it would seem like I actually cared about it. I don’t.

On having kids: “I’m definitely not there yet, and I can’t plan that far in advance. When I decide to have a family, I’ll just want to be Mom for a little bit.[Brand] really wanted me to have children, and I knew I wasn’t ready – I think it was a way of control. I think it was part of, If I have a kid, then I would have to sacrifice – I’d have to be home more. I really wanted to, but I knew I wasn’t ready for it. It wasn’t like, ‘Hey, let’s have a kid because we’re in love.”

On boyfriend John Mayer: “He’s just a fantastic partner. I’ve been a fan of his for such a long time. He’s got a brilliant, brilliant mind. It’s a rad, mature relationship.”


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Photo Credit: Getty Images & Regan Cameron/Marie Claire

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