I have to confess that I’m “that person” who can’t resist adding an emoji (or five) every time I text my family and friends. My best friend receives countless thumbs up icons and yes, even the occasional poop sign from me. While in return, unicorns, birthday cakes, and the random kitty cat with heart eyes often pop up on my phone. Emojis are fun, silly, and for a while now, pretty trendy.
Kids are also obsessed with emojis. Walk into any elementary school or middle school and you’ll instantly see at least five students with them on their t-shirts, backpacks, and shoes. Kids also love to craft. So why not combine the two to make an emoji-inspired craft that will turn your kiddo into the coolest kid in class?
I’ve rounded up some easy emoji crafts to brighten up your kid’s day. There are a few projects in here that may even inspire you, too. (Insert smiley face, rainbow and pink heart here.)
12 Impossibly Cool Emoji Crafts for Kids (& You Too)
Emoji Pencil Topper
Getting your kids to do their homework will never result in a fight again! Your students will crack up each time they use this number two pencil.
Source: Paging Supermom
Emoji Elbow Patches
These DIY iron on patches are a cinch to create and will make any old long-sleeved tee or sweater feel like new again.
Source: Aww Sam
Emoji Clutch
Emoji crafts don’t just have to be just for kids. Next time you’re having lunch with your gals, strut in with this perforated clutch. It’s unexpected and adorable.
Source: PS I Made This
Emoji Catnip Toys
Get your kitty in on the emoji fun with some DIY catnip toys. Hand stitch two pieces of felt together and add the catnip. Punch mini holes around the circles and then give your kids a plastic yarn needle to sew it up.
Source: Sugar and Bash
Emoji Pins
Here is a statement piece made from Shrinky Dinks for your kid's jacket or book bag. Seriously, there is something just magical about wearing a unicorn on your lapel.
Source: Persia Lou
Emoji Pom Poms
Have your kids make a few of these emoji pom poms to toss around, display in their bedroom, or even hang on the Christmas tree. Just be sure to purchase a lot of yellow yarn!
Source: Momtastic
Emoji Pencil Holders
Add some color to your kid’s homework space with these emoji pencil holders made from recycled tin cans. Make a few in a variety of sizes.
Source: Pysellbolaget
Emoji Masks
Liven up any slumber party or playdate with these quick to make emoji masks. Best part: they are so easy to complete that your kids can make them by themselves.
Source: Alice and Lois
Emoji Stress Balls
These little emoji stress balls made from a balloon and Play Doh are helpful to squeeze while taking a test or working on a hard assignment. They may even remind students not to take life so seriously.
Source: Craft with Chloe
Emoji Wreath
This wreath is an adorable addition to any kid’s bedroom, or even your front door. It’s sure to make your guests smile when they drop by.
Source: Aww Sam
Emoji Magnets
Next time you’re leaving a note on the fridge, attach an emoji magnet to it that best describes what you want to convey. The magnet with a tongue sticking out is perfect for your hubby’s weekend to do list.
Source: The Surznick Common Room
Emoji Cat Halloween Costume
Need a simple yet clever Halloween costume? Here’s an easy DIY costume that you can make in less than an hour. Get the whole family in on the action with a group theme!
Source: Brite and Bubbly