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Is catching up with long-lost friends or posting what you ate for dinner worth your relationship?

School officials were way off-base here, even though this child's actions were alarming.

This mom let her kid zap the presents she wanted -- and then sent a registry card with the party…

I once vowed to stop letting my son do these things...but then he did them anyway.

I've used these tips to teach my 7-year-old son Jack about the green stuff -- and they worked.

School is in full swing, which means even celebrity kids are at risk for this gross health problem.

Showing up at school looking scrubby and disheveled is even worse than not showing up at all.

One mom's decision has sparked a major debate online. Get the details -- and weigh in!

My twenties were full of DRAMA. Can you relate? My thirties, on the other hand, are delightfully drama-free.

The "Teen Mom 2" star is putting her baby at serious risk -- and even bragging about her bad habit.
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