I’m Up All Night With The Baby, But My Husband Is The One Who Sleeps In I wish he would at least ask, "How did it go last night?"
5 Things I Wish My Husband Would Just Do Honey, you are great in many ways, but when it comes to these things? Not so much.
My ADHD Husband and 3 ADHD Kids Are Totally Stressing Me Out I am married to a man who has ADHD. I have three sons who also have ADHD. It's bloody exhausting.
I’m Sick Of Defending My Husband’s Bad Behavior Honestly, I sometimes wonder if his actions make other people not want to hang with us.
I Hate When My Husband Complains About His ‘Exhausting’ Business Trips The next time he whines, I’m going to suggest that he take care of the kids by himself for a…
9 Reasons Why You Should Never Have House Guests Right After Having a Baby To avoid family conflict we agreed to let my in-laws (and others) stay with us, and it was a nightmare.
No One Cares About My Second Pregnancy (and It’s Bumming Me Out) It is my belief that every life is precious and should be celebrated and cherished. I just wish our loved…
Why Am I ALWAYS in Charge Of the Romance? Here's the thing: If my husband is missing “us” so much, he has to do something about it.
My MIL Commented on My Preschooler’s Weight (& I’m Furious About It) She values being thin over everything else. That’s her own dysfunction and she has no right putting it onto my…
Stop Focusing on My Daughter’s Looks (They Don’t Matter) My son gets rewarded for how he acts and what he accomplishes. Why isn't my daughter treated the same way?