
Celebrity Baby News – Jensen Ackles Welcomes Daughter; Tamar Braxton Gives Birth To A Son

Two celebrity families are celebrating the birth of new babies!


  • Supernatural star Jensen Ackles and his wife Daneel Harris welcomed their first child, a baby girl!  Daneel took to Twitter to share that their daughter arrived at the end of May.  “We are happy to announce the birth of our precious baby girl, Justice Jay “JJ” Ackles. She was born happy and healthy on May 30th.”


  • Also welcoming her first child was reality TV star and singer Tamar Braxton.  During the season finale of her show, “Braxton Family Values”, she announced the arrival of her son. She shared a photo of blue teddy bears and balloons, writing “friends HE’S finally here!”.  Tamar and her husband Vince Herbert haven’t shared any further details about his birth yet. 





Photos by Wenn & Getty & Twitter

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