St. Patrick's Day Celebrations with Kids

5 Green Ways to Celebrate St. Paddy’s Day with Kids

1.       Plant something green! If the weather’s ripe for gardening, plant a tree or shrub outdoors. If it’s not, purchase a small tree in a pot to care for which you and the kids can later plant outdoors. Planting a tree can help to suck carbon from the air, provide shade and shelter wildlife. If a tree or shrub isn’t an option, consider planting a potted herb garden indoors.

2.       Opt for e-cards over paper. Instead of sending mass produced paper St. Patrick’s Day cards, send out electronic greetings to friends and family. Have the kids DIY a handmade card by creating a St. Patrick’s Day drawing on recycled paper, snap a digital image and email it out to friends and family with a personalized note. Who said eco-friendly has to mean impersonal?

3.       Recycle items to make crafts. Paint glass jars green or black to make your own pot of gold. For a special treat, hide organic chocolates and send the kids on a treasure hunt to find the pot of gold. Cut out shamrocks from recycled cardboard paper towel rolls to paint and color. To make a St. Patrick’s Day hat, attach the shamrock onto a strip of recycled paper that’s long enough to go around your child’s head.

4.       Have your own parade, a cleanup along the way. Put on your organic green shirt and hit the streets for your own St. Paddy’s Day parade. Take a trash bag with you, arm everyone with a pair of gloves and pick up trash along your route. See who can be the first to spot a four leaf clover along the route.

5.       Reuse items to decorate. Instead of commercially made decorations, use what you have on hand to decorate for St. Patrick’s Day. A green scarf can be easily turned into garland to hang over the door. Better yet, reuse that string of green Christmas lights to decorate your doorway. Green sheets can be draped over furniture or turned into a St. Patrick’s Day hide-out for the kids.

 With a little creativity, you can come up with green ways to celebrate the greenest holiday of them all. And when you do, the earth and your kids will thank you.

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