DIY Baby Food for A Balanced Diet and Happy Taste Buds

My mother-in-law once marveled at what great eaters my three children are. She just couldn’t believe that my toddler was excited about eating chickpeas and Brussels sprouts. The thing is, he never knew any other way of eating because instead of feeding him store-bought baby food, which is perfectly good and often the best option for babies, we always ground up whatever we were eating  into DIY baby food to make sure his palette would eventually love the flavor of vegetables that make a regular appearance on our dinner plates.

Now that my third baby is ready to move beyond breast milk and rice cereal, my husband and I have been mixing up some fun flavor combos to help our daughter learn how to develop a taste for healthy eating. All of these recipes for DIY baby food can be made in large batches then stored in the fridge for up to a week. Also, try freezing small batches of baby food in ice cube trays and then sealing in a freezer bag. For each meal, you can pop out however many cubes you think you will need. Then, simply heat in a microwave and let cool to a preferred temperature.

Is your baby ready to make the switch to solid foods? Making your own baby food is easy, fast, and saves money. See my favorite baby food recipes below:

DIY Fruity Breakfast Baby Food

The first meal of the day is so important so why not start off with a mix of fresh fruit, a healthy grain, and lots of protein? If you have a mesh bag for toddlers you can freeze this recipe and let your child suck on the frozen breakfast pop, which is great for teething toddlers.

1 cup full-fat Greek yogurt

¼ cup blueberries

¼ cup strawberries

¼ cup banana

1 tablespoon whole grain oatmeal

Using a food processor, blend all ingredients in until smooth. For older babies who crave more texture, add the oats after you blend the fruit and yogurt.

Freezing Homemade Baby Food: What To Expect

DIY Green Smoothie Snack Baby Food

Kids get hungry between breakfast and lunch so be prepared with a healthy and filling option that will leave their taste buds asking for more.

1 cup full-fat Greek yogurt

1 cup spinach leaves

½ cup kale leaves

¼ cup blueberries

¼ cup mango (use frozen mango so that you don’t waste any fruit)

¼ cup whole grain oatmeal

1 tablespoon flax seed

Using a food processor, blend all ingredients in until smooth. For added texture, don’t blend the oats, let them remain whole.

Hearty DIY Baby Food Lunch

At our house, lunch is usually a big meal that encompasses all of the food groups to help fuel us up for a big afternoon of adventures.

1 cup cooked and mashed sweet potato

½ cup cooked and mashed green beans

¼ cup cooked corn

¼ cup carrot cooked until soft

¼ applesauce

Using a food processor, blend all ingredients in until smooth. To add texture for older babies, mash the cooked corn with a fork to create texture.

31 Ridiculously Epic Baby Food Jar Crafts

DIY Colorful Baby Food Dinner

Dinner doesn’t have to be hard! If you own a baby food mill, you can easily put whatever you’re having for dinner in the mill and grind the food smooth so that baby may enjoy it too. If you’re having something not quite appropriate for babies, try this fun recipe.

½ cup white beans

½ cup cooked beets

½ cup cooked carrots

1 cup kale or Swiss chard cooked

½ cup applesauce

Using a food processor, blend all ingredients in until smooth. For added texture, leave some of the white beans during the blending process. Mash with a fork and add them back in.

Creating high quality, wholesome foods for your baby doesn’t have to be expensive, time-consuming, or tricky. Try these fun combinations and don’t be afraid to experiment in your kitchen. Babies are surprisingly tolerant of new flavors, which is great news for parents who want to raise kids who love to eat their veggies.

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