DIY Hair Mask for Oily Hair

Trying to banish the oil slick on the top of your head? Try this DIY hair mask for oily hair and restore the pH balance to your scalp and hair. Oily hair will be banished in just 10 minutes!


  • 1/4 Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 Lemon


Grate the entire lemon peel into a bowl and combine with apple cider vinegar. Massage the mask all over your scalp and let sit for 10 minutes. Scrub scalp heavily and rinse with cold water. Do not shampoo your hair until the next day.  

Apple cider vinegar is amazing at removing all the buildup from products you’ve used in your hair which is usually the cause of oily hair. It will also help prevent dandruff you may get as a result of scrubbing the scalp so much and balance your hairs’ pH level. 

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