I didn’t get my first professional bikini wax until I was 33 years old. For a long time I had been hesitant to get waxed at a salon, so the thought of not only going in for a professional wax, but then going completely bare, just seemed crazy. But I finally did it, and I love it.
Getting a Brazilian bikini wax puts my mind completely at ease when wearing any bikini or swimsuit. It’s different from a traditional American bikini wax because it removes all the hair from front to back. You can be left with a landing strip of hair, or opt for the Hollywood wax, where they remove everything.
If you’ve never done it before, a Brazilian bikini wax may seem intimidating. Put your mind at ease before heading out to the salon with these tips in the slideshow.
More Grooming Tips:
- Bikini Wax 101: At Home or Go Pro?
- Why I Won’t Get a Brazilian Bikini Wax Now That I’m a Mom
- Beauty DIY Projects to Try (and What to Leave to the Pros)
Things You Need to Know Before a Brazilian Wax
It DOES hurt a little bit
It’s good to have a general idea about this before going in---but don’t go overboard researching horror stories online. Contrary to what you may have read, the pain is not similar to childbirth and does not require a sedative. That said, popping a couple of ibuprofen half an hour before your appointment can make a world of difference and keep inflammation at bay. It’s tolerable pain, the kind that doesn’t prevent you from doing it again and again. (On that note, the more you go, the less painful it becomes.)
image: Getty/Karin Lau
Be prepared to bare EVERYTHING
This isn’t generally a big deal for moms, but even so, some women may be surprised by the prospect of getting completely naked from the waist down. You’ll be asked to contort yourself into all kinds of fun positions to make the aesthetician’s job as easy as possible, too. That might mean extending your knees up to your body or kicking a leg off the table. If you feel a little awkward (and you will), remember that your aesthetician is a professional and has done this countless times.
image: Getty/Image Source
Your butt is part of the deal
A Brazilian involves removing all of the hair down under, including whatever happens to be between the cheeks. The good news is that this part of the job is considerably less painful than other areas because it lacks nerve endings. It also usually means you’re almost done being waxed, and that means you’ll start to breathe a little easier.
image: Getty/Milenia Boniek
Your hair needs to be a certain length
It should be at least a quarter of an inch to half an inch long, or approximately the size of a grain of rice. So if you typically perform some sort of maintenance at home, put it on hold a couple of weeks prior to your treatment. If you don’t allow your hair to grow out, the wax won’t properly adhere to it, and you’ll be left with a less than satisfactory job. (And a good aesthetician will probably refuse to wax you if your hair is too short.)
image: Getty/Anthony Tumminello/EyeEm
You should dress appropriately
This is purely for your own comfort. You don’t want to leave your appointment in a pair of short shorts or skinny jeans that hug your crotch, because that area is going to be red and swollen. Opt for a dress or a pair of loose fitting yoga pants, and by all means make sure your underwear is cotton. The idea is to wear something breathable that will not create friction and irritate your skin even more.
image: Getty/StefDPhoto
Perhaps the worst part of the experience is the tweeze
Sometimes a little hair is left behind. In that case, your aesthetician may break out the tweezers to get the tricky buggers out. This, truthfully, is the most painful part of the entire process in my personal experience. It’s a quick sort of pain, of course, and it helps ensure that your skin is smooth and hair free.
image: Getty/Pomxpom
You NEED to take care of your skin post-Brazilian
This is so important! Prevent painful ingrown hairs and bumps by exfoliating the area gently in between visits. It will also make future treatments easier on your skin. Finally, a post-shave soothing gel or cream can help minimize discomfort and reduce any lingering redness.