Busy Busy Boys On The Go

I love that I can match these tees to my kid’s individual personalities. I also love how they spruce up a pair of jeans and how adorable they look layered with a plaid collared shirt.

A Boy In Motion… Peek Scientist Tee, $34.00 at Nordstrom

Adios Amigos! Bicicleta Tee, $30 at Tea Collection

Andale Taxi Tee, $30 at Tea Collection

Sports Star “Speed Record” Graphic Tee, $14.95 at Gap Kids

Monster Truck Graphic Tee, $12.99 at Gap Kids


Flaming Soccer Ball Tee, $10.99 at Gymboree

Grand Prix Tee, $26.50 at J.Crew

Climbing Tee, $34.50 at J.Crew

Full Throttle Tee, $39.50 at J.Crew

Take Off Space Explorer Tee, $34.00 at Nordstrom


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