Party Hats Kids Craft

Kids Craft: Pom Pom Party Hats


  • kraft paper
  • party hats
  • yarn
  • glue
  • scissors
  • pen
  • tape
  • glitter
  • stickers (optional)
  • markers (optional)
  • decorative craft feathers (optional)


Step 1: Carefully take 1 party hat apart so it lies flat and trace the shape onto the kraft paper.

Step 2: Cut out the traced party hat from the kraft paper.

Step 3: Use the glue to attach the paper to the party hat. Now, you have a blank canvas ready for decorating!

Step 4: Put the hats back together! See? They look better already.

Step 5: Let the kids go wild with creativity. Help them make a pattern or letter or fun word with the glue.

Step 6: Grab the glitter we all love so much and sprinkle away! Now set them aside to let them dry.

Optional: You can also set out markers, stickers, and decorative craft feathers and let the kids use their imaginations to decorate the hats to their unique tastes.

Step 7: To make the pom poms for the tops, take the yarn and wrap it around your fingers. For a bigger or smaller pom you can use more or fewer fingers.

Step 8: Take a length of yarn, make it a bit long, and tie it tightly around the wrapped yarn.

Step 9: Now fluff your pom and grab your scissors and trim it to your desired length.

Step 10: Remember that long string we tied around the yarn earlier? Take the two ends in your hands and cut one off. Not too short, but just long enough that it matches the rest of the pom. Take the remaining string and pull it through opening of the top (at the point) of the hat, pull it tight and tape it down to the inside of the hat. You’re done! Party on!

Want more birthday party ideas?

Find more crafts from Kersey Cambpell at ARDOR.

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