“Baby Jail” + 10 More Innovations That Make My Life Way Easier

Thank goodness for all of the modern day conveniences we’re blessed with. While there are certainly challenging parts of parenting in a world filled with cell phones, video games, and social media, there are also some serious conveniences that I often take for granted. Luckily, I have my grandma visit frequently and she is great at reminding me of some of the things we have now that she never had when she was raising five children.
Here are the 12 things that, as a mom, make my everyday life WAY easier. If you haven’t hopped on these bandwagons, I highly recommend them; they’ve saved me tons of time and energy:

1. A Baby Play Yard

Our baby play yard, which we affectionately call our “baby jail,” is our saving grace with an active 3-year-old and crawling baby. My boys play safely in it for small periods of time making it possible for me to get little things done. While we have most of our house thoroughly baby proofed, the baby jail guarantees me a few safe minutes of focusing on the things I need to get done. My time is precious and limited and I typically do things in 10 to 20 minute increments of time unless it’s a day when we have childcare.


2. Instant Photo Gratification

With babies, it’s amazing how often we take a quick iPhone photo. Can you imagine how hard it would be if we had to use an old school film camera (with no photography skills) and pay for developing the images? It would be a big failure for many parents. We are SO lucky to be able to keep track of our kids and milestones with our phones and then to be able to communicate with each other by texting, emailing, or via Facebook right on a little handheld device.


3. Programmable Coffee Makers

I start my day with a big cup of coffee and the automatic start function is something we can’t imagine living without. There is nothing better than waking up to a full pot of coffee. Or for many of us, a machine that makes a single cup of coffee just perfect in a matter of seconds.

4. My “Online Helpers”

From quickly sending out birthday invitations using Celebrations.com to throwing together “scrap books” using Shutterfly or using my own handwriting and sending out a quick note on HelloBond.com, I’m able to cheat a bit to keep life moving along smoothly thanks to innovations that didn’t exist five, 10, or 20 years ago.

5. Clorox Triple Action Dust Wipes

Clorox Triple Action Dust Wipes make cleaning with kiddos a breeze. I love that I can quickly grab one wipe and take care of nearly our entire lower level including our furniture, blinds, electronics, and even the baseboards and floors all while the baby is safely playing away in our beloved play yard.


6. Facebook

Love it or hate it, I have to admit that Facebook is a great communication tool. I love that I can use Facebook to keep in touch with family and don’t have to send hard copies of photos of my kids to all of our family in order for them to keep up with their growth.

7. A White Noise Machine

Our white noise machine helps our babe nap consistently even if his big brother is playing Cheetah racing in the next room. Who invented these amazing little machines? I am a very light sleeper so I take this little machine with us everywhere we go for the baby (and admittedly, for myself).

8. Online Banking

Um, online banking anyone? Remember what it used to be like to balance your checkbook (No? Just me?)? I carry a teeny-tiny handbag thanks to online banking. I need very little with me and can keep up with bills, savings, our budget, and more just by logging on to our computer while my boys wrestle, tickle, and play cars just feet away.

9. Online Shopping

Online shopping is my everything! Having two kids makes getting out to stores much less appealing. I love that I can order diapers, wipes, baby food, household products, and even update their wardrobes in minutes. Items arrive quickly and the prices are right. Thank goodness for Amazon.com. No joke! I couldn’t live without it.

10. Robotic Vacuums

You can even have a robotic vacuum clean your house for you. AMAZING! Smart products are everywhere, and while we all love to complain about technology ruining everything, it can actually be a big plus.

11. My iPhone Calendar

My calendar on my phone also helps me plan my days and keep track of important plans and activities so I never forget the important stuff.


Streamlining life definitely helps me to have more joy, live in the moment, and enjoy being a mom rather than worrying about everything all the time.


And although I do dream of the good ol’ days of letting kids play outside alone, no handheld devices at dinner, and calling up a long lost friend rather than seeing their updates on Facebook, I also appreciate all that life’s innovations have given us (including a few precious minutes alone).

Thank you “baby jail.” You really are a lifesaver.

This post was sponsored by Clorox. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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