Cat Litter Box

How to Find the Right Litter For Your Cat

Transitioning to a Different Litter

The best way to transition your cat to a different litter is to do is slowly over a period of a week to ten days by adding small amounts of the new litter to the old until you have transitioned over completely.

In most cases, cats will adapt to the new brand without incident. However, it’s very important to remember that some declawed cats have a problem scratching and may need a softer type of litter to dig in. Declawing a cat is a surgical operation, which removes the first join on each toe. It is very painful and can have lasting consequences with regard to litter box usage. So if you are unsure, discuss the situation with a veterinarian. It’s important to note that many cities across the country are now outlawing declawing completely, which is a good thing.

Keeping It Clean

Cats are very clean animals and expect their litter boxes to be kept in pristine condition. The box should be scooped of clumped and fecal matter at least once a day—the more the better! The level of litter in the box should be maintained around three-four inches. This is very easy to do if you keep your scoop, fresh litter, and bags for waste removal close at hand and there are lots of special litter organizing kits on the market.

The box should be properly washed out and replaced with fresh litter on a monthly basis.

As cats age, many have trouble accessing the litter box.  There are boxes with low entrances and high sides, which are ideal for senior felines and will prevent accidents. A mat placed under the box will help control litter as the cat steps out preventing it from being tracked throughout the home.

*This post was sponsored by Fresh Step.

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