You guys, I just saw the cutest viral video of a group of 3-year-olds arguing about whether it was sprinkling or raining outside. In typically silly 3-year-old fashion their debate doesn’t make much sense — at one point the little boy in the group says, “No, you’re pretty and you’re not real. I’m real.” — but that’s what makes it so cute!
Watching this video made me think of the random debates my son would have at age 3 with his friends on the playground after daycare. Now that Mason is 4 he goes to Big Boy School (aka Pre-K at our zoned elementary school), and I don’t get to watch those hysterical exchanges take place every day. (They’re different now, anyway.) By the time I pick him up from his aftercare program he’s worn out and we have to get home for the whole dinner-bath-bedtime scramble.
So, with our new Real School Routine only a few weeks old, I’m feeling nostalgic for the 3s, and I’m thankful for a mini dose of 3-year-old funnies in the middle of work. I’m also reminded of yet another thing that I have to look forward to as my daughter Poppy Belle (currently 6-weeks-old) grows up.
Check out the video — and share your thoughts!