Attention all Boy Moms! There are a few things we need to know about our darling little XY cuties: As adorable as they are, they can wreak havoc on us, on our homes, and their clothes — all before lunch. But, hey, if you’re raising a boy like I am, you already know that. My son is only 18-months-old, but already I’ve found more marker scribbles on the walls, floor, and sofa than I ever did with my daughter. Somehow his clothes manage to get dirtier, too, and he is always on the go! Having a boy really is different than having a girl. And I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface with potty training a boy or the fact that he’ll soon be swinging his ding dong all over the bathroom like a fire hose.
So, what are we moms supposed to do? I was on Facebook the other day when a friend posted a PSA for all boy-moms next to a picture of Clorox Urine Remover, and it occurred to me that there really are a lot of products out there that you can’t (or shouldn’t) go without if you’re raising a boy. So I did a little digging and found some great must-have items — stuff all us boy-moms need. And, believe me, there are some seriously wow-worthy essentials on this list.
More for Boy Moms:
- I’m Not Just Raising a Son, I’m Raising Someone’s Future Husband
- I Never Thought I’d Be a Boy Mom (& Then I Became One)
- 3 Incredibly Inspiring Boy Moms Share Their Secrets
Raising a Boy? Products to Have in Your House At All Times (No Matter What)
Clorox Urine Remover
If you've ever been anywhere near a boys bathroom, you know those things can get stanky. And, guess what, little boys don't always get their aim right.
Price: $11.99
Photo: Amazon
Black Light Ultra Violet Urine Detector
So, this product is marketed for pets, but our kids can be kind of like pets sometimes, right? When they're having accidents and not telling us and then suddenly the house smells like old pee but we can't find it? Yeah, a black light would really come in handy.
Price: $12.97
Photo: Amazon
Boy Mom Hoodie
Celebrate your status as a boy mom with this cute, comfortable hoodie (or tee-shirt, tank top, baseball jersey).
Price: $74
Photo: BoyMom
Fels Naptha Laundry Bar and Stain Remover
The Joys of Boys had some pretty great tips on how to clean dirty boy clothes. One idea? Fels Naptha Laundry Bar and Stain Remover. Apparently the stuff works wonders, so give it a try if you're sick of dirty, clay, and grass stains!
Price: $1.99
Photo: Amazon
Potty Training Target
It'll take more than a target to potty train your little boy to aim like a pro, but one of these vinyl bullseyes will definitely help with the whole process.
Price: $2.45
Photo: Amazon
Pokemon Essential Handbook
A friend tipped me off to this one. Apparently there are a lot of friggin' Pokemon and it is a mom's job to have some sort of clue as to which one is which.
Price: $9.16
Photo: Amazon
Why caulk, you ask? Because you're gonna wanna seal the bottom of the toilet in preparation for potty training.
Price: $9.91
Photo: Amazon
Magic Eraser Sponge
I don't want to pigeon-hole myself into saying only boys draw on the floors and walls and doors and themselves ... but my son has done it a lot more than my daughter ever did. No household is complete without a nifty magic eraser.
Price: $21.99
Photo: Amazon
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide has a lot of different uses, from removing wine stains (mommy's, not little boy's!) to removing pit-stains from fabric.
Price: $16.99
Photo: Amazon
1000 Piece Bag of Bricks
You can never have too much Lego -- ever -- so keep it comin' (and work on your rocketship building skills, Mom!).
Price: $31.95
Photo: Amazon
Pee-pee Teepee
Whether or not you specifically purchase "Pee-pee Teepees," keep in mind that when your baby boy is chillin' on the changing mat, his ding-dong basically turns into an out-of-control hose pipe when he feels the urge to pee. Duck and take cover!
Price: $10.95
Photo: Amazon