7 Sneaky Ways Moms Can Save Time On School Mornings

I’m a working mother of three little boys and a baby girl, so back-to-school time gets pretty hectic in our house. Mornings are the most insane. However, I’ve come up with some tricks to get everything done, despite the chaos. It takes some practice and discipline, but it’s absolutely possible for all moms to take control of their mornings (yes, really!). Here are the shortcuts I swear by…

1. Choose your outfit the night before. You have to set yourself up for success, and this little organizational trick is an easy way to do that. (While you’re at it, pick out what your kids will wear the next day, too.) I keep an inspiration board in my closet, so that I have quick styling ideas at my fingertips. It’s a great tool!

2. Have a go-to beauty routine. It should be quick and always work, no matter what. For me, it’s slathering on a CC Cream, penciling in my eyebrows, and applying a lip stain. I keep these essentials all together in a pretty bowl, which helps me save even more time. No digging around in my makeup bag while I’m in a hurry!

3. Multitask whenever possible. Decide what activities you could pair together in   and make it happen. For example, I like to have my youngest son, Ford, color at the table while I fix breakfast. (Usually, I don’t make him sit on the counter, but look at how dang cute this pic turned out!) I can connect with him and prep our morning meal. Or, I will make the boys’ lunches while I listen to my favorite podcast.

4. Set the coffee maker at night. This sounds crazy simple, but it really makes a difference. I have coffee ready as soon as I wake up every morning! It’s a delicious way to start my day. Nothing gets me more excited than my a.m. cup of Joe, except maybe Sam Hunt…

5. Wake up an hour early. I get up at 5 a.m. because I do my Facebook livestream every day at 6, and I want to be awake and alert. I also try to rise before my children because I know that once they’re up, it’s all about getting them ready for school. I have my coffee, write my to-do list, and get a jump on the day’s goals before the madness begins.

6. Try to get 8 hours of sleep. I’m not kidding! I am in bed at 9:30 p.m. with a good book and asleep by 10 at the latest. Give yourself a bedtime and stick to it. That’s the only way I have enough energy for my kids and my job. Yes, you might not be able to binge-watch your favorite show on Netflix, but trust me: it will be well worth the extra energy you have the next day.

7. Make healthy breakfasts ahead. From baked hardboiled eggs to fruit with yogurt, these are some of my favorite ideas. And keep the junk out of the house. If I only have a healthy breakfast option, you can dang well bet I won’t end up with an impulse doughnut. My body is a machine and I try my best to make sure that I keep it running in top shape; I need the proper fuel to do that. You do, too, girl!

Photos: Rachel Hollis/The Chic Site

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