Bernard Bodo / Getty Images

18 Holiday Social Posts You Will See By Moms In December

Bernard Bodo / Getty Images

Moms are busy this holiday season, but that doesn’t slow down the frequency at which they post on Instagram and Facebook. LOL AS IF. Between updates on their feeds and check-ins to their various parenting groups, they never miss an opportunity to connect! There’s so much to share, ask about, and passive-aggressively comment on throughout December, it’s a wonder they can tear themselves away from their phones long enough to build a single gingerbread house.

From a first-time mom’s pondering to an experienced older mom’s excitement, there’s plenty to read right from your phone this holiday season. The best part? We all get to comment on them, too, since we’re in the exact same groups. Here’s a sampling of what you can expect to see.

18 Holiday Social Posts You Will See by Moms in December

1. The Tree Decorating Photo

Kids are smiling and mom is calling the ornaments—from homemade to fragile glass balls—all aggressively clumped in one bottom corner of the tree “adorable.”

2. The Finished Tree

Kids are in bed and the “adorable” clot of adornments is now evenly spread throughout the branches from top to tips.

3. Yelp for Santas, Anyone?

These moms are looking for the very best mall Santas, and aren’t afraid to comparison shop.

4. Kids in Themed Pajamas

Because—and I’m quite serious here—NOTHING is cuter than kids in jammies, especially one-piece or matching family jammies.

5. The Very Specific Holiday Fun Request

These moms are looking for something fun to do with their kids, but within a set of criteria so specific it’s almost impossible to please them. Things like a hot cocoa with reindeer petting that is semi-private, gluten-free, dairy-free, dog friendly, and held during times when her kid isn’t napping, or an outdoor festivals of lights suitable for four-week-old babies with heaters so it’s not too cold out there, music that’s not played over a certain decibel, and properly-shoveled walkways for wide strollers.

6. The Elf Helper

A calendar of fun positions, mini messes, and activities moms can do with their Elf on the Shelf to keep the magic alive.

7. The Elf Hater

A rant about regretting ever bringing one of those red-clad Santa spies into her home because keeping the magic alive is exhausting.

8. Holiday Cookies

A fancy shot of frosted yumtasticness with the caption, “Too pretty to eat!” Spoiler alert: she ate them as soon as the kids went to bed. 

9. Gifts for the Gifted

Not just regular gift ideas, but gifts for children who are—and she’ll try to slip this in there as tactfully as possible—advanced for their age. Preferably nothing electronic, “not that there’s anything wrong with that if you’re okay with your kid using those sorts of things.”

10. The Humblebrag

The year is almost over and was amazing enough for her to tag her own post as “#blessed.” You can be darn-tootin’ sure that it wasn’t the glory of gratitude that inspired her to publish it, but the desire to make someone on her friends list jealous.

11. Please Don’t Ruin Santa

These come either as friendly reminders attached to some cute meme, or impassioned, angry five-paragraph rants from moms whose kids had the secret spilled by someone with older siblings.

12. The Sick Kid 

A frantic, descriptive post about fevers, rashes, coughs, and remedy requests, which took four times longer to type up than it would have taken for her to just call her doctor to ask a professional their opinion, instead.

13. The Sick Mom

A post asking for advice on how to entertain the kids while she’s down for the count. This only happens when the illness has become so all-encompassing that the mom can no longer move without vomiting, or her doctor has lectured her on not coming in sooner. Local moms will rally in response, dropping off soup and taking away her kids even when she insists that’s not why she posted.

14. The Holiday Card Photo

Grandma snapped a pic of the cards with her kids and grandkids to share with the entire internet because aren’t her babies beautiful?

15. The Holiday Card Photo Outtakes

Grandma will not be amused that this mom shared shots of her grandkids fighting, tantrumming, or removing articles of clothing while she tried to take JUST ONE SINGLE SOLITARY DECENT SHOT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, but the honest chaos was too funny not to share.

16. Last Minute Gift Ideas

And all the gift ideas are for stuff they are selling, despite that Facebook group’s policy of not promoting your own small business in there.

17. The Funny Meme

Sarcastic or silly, it will perfectly encompass how overwhelmed she feels by the holidays. Guaranteed to be shared like crazy by all the other moms who feel the exact same way.

18. Mommy Guilt Vent

Seeking advice for feeling like she’s not doing enough, not around enough, or not making the holidays special enough for her kids. Thankfully, there’s always someone around to speak up about how we’re all doing our best, and this sisterhood has her back if she needs anything, ever. Because that’s what moms do.

Happy holidays! Did we miss any?

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