Kick Your Weekend Off By Watching This Baby Rub Spaghetti On His Bare Belly

Need a laugh? We’ve got just the thing for you and it comes in the form a hilarious viral video that is taking the internet by storm. In the video, a baby boy is smothering his bare belly with spaghetti during a very messy dinner.

As his mother, Emma Ayers, 30, films 1-year-old Albie rubbing his pasta on his round tummy, his shocked father Adam Dunville, 31, is heard saying: ‘Oh my god, what have you let him do there?’

The video was shared on the Facebook page Positive About Down Syndrome, an online support forum for parents of children with Down syndrome, with which Albie’s mother, Emma Ayers, has worked closely since her son’s birth last year.

“Saturday night treat in the shape of one-year-old Albie really enjoying his dinner,” they wrote.

We’ll have what he’s having!

“When there is so much wrong in the world, everyone needs an Albie to put a smile on their face,” wrote one Facebook user. “Albie, we love you.”

The clip has been viewed over 24 million times and is continuing to put a smile on faces around the world.

“This is the cutest and best thing I’ve ever seen,” wrote one commenter. ” A belly like that deserves to be covered and rubbed with food. Just too adorable!!!”

Especially since we weren’t the ones who had to clean it up!

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