A newborn baby of 10-12 months swims in a yellow swimming ring, crying because of their fear of water. Frame swimming pool in the backyard of the house
(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

Best Tips To Help Kids Overcome Fear of Water

Although it might not seem so due to the heat advisory, summer is nearing its end. You must be waiting for the day when you can take your kids to the pool and actually have fun swimming with them. Instead, you are faced with tears and your tot’s resistance to getting in the water. Rest assured that fear of water is quite natural among children. However, if you want your kids to enjoy their water time, here are a few simple tips to help them overcome their fear of water.

Know the reason for your child’s fear of water

Your kid might be too young to tell you why they fear water, but you can guess the reason with some observation. For instance, separation anxiety, age, environment, unfamiliar faces, too many sounds, foreign smells, etc., can overwhelm your tiny tot. So, observe why your child cries or screams before getting in the water and help them accordingly.

If they are toddlers, talk to them to understand the reason behind their fear, discuss the issue, and explain why they should not be scared of water. Additionally, share your good memories with them to encourage them to get in the water.

Start slow to help overcome fear of water in kids

Not many like being thrown into the water on their very first day. The unfamiliarity of the pool or the beach may cause them discomfort. Hence, parents, start slow! Begin with gradual immersion to let the child feel and get comfortable with the water.

Start by immersing just their toes for the first few days, then dip them up to their knees, then gradually till their waist, make bubbles, and once you see your child is no longer fearful, play with them in the pool for hours. This is one of the most effective ways for kids to overcome their fear of water.

Make the experience fun for your little one

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To help your tiny tot overcome the fear of water, make their experience fun. Get them colorful goggles, costumes with their favorite characters on them, flowing tubes and kickboards in fun colors, etc. Many kids feel more secure when they have these items to hold on to, especially during their initial days.

Once your children are comfortable in the water and no longer fear it, you can advise them to gradually let go of this equipment so they can learn to swim or enjoy playing in the water. However, until your little one learns to swim, ensure they are always under supervision to avoid accidents.

Give your child company in the water

Sometimes, the fear of being away from you makes your children fear water. Hence, to help them overcome their fear, get in with your kids and play in the water for the first few days. Once you feel your child is comfortable with the surroundings, stay away from the water, watch them enjoy it, and learn how to swim. Gradually, go out of their sight so that they can focus on learning. It will help them become more independent.

Give solo lessons to help overcome fear of water in kids

If you are an experienced swimmer, give your children solo lessons. This will make them feel secure and help your kids overcome their fear of water. If not, you can always ask your friends, family members, or a swim coach to teach your little ones. This tip is excellent, especially when your child is shy or reluctant to practice in front of unknown people.

If your kid still cannot overcome their fear of water, seek counseling to determine the underlying cause. So, fellow parents, be patient and follow these tips to help your children overcome their fear of water. The progress might be a bit slow, but your little ones will gradually come to love splashing in the pool.

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