Amy over at Let’s Explore has put together an astounding collection of ideas for creating a hobby starter gift for your child. She’s doing a whole series on the idea so no matter what your kid might like, she’s got you covered. Check out the sewing, photography, and cooking post as well as her ideas for little gardeners, illustrators, and rock hounds.
- Did you know it’s possible to get glowing pictures of the Christmas tree without buying 6,000 tiny white lights? Check out this quick and easy tutorial.
- Rubarb Fizz Drink – doesn’t it just sound like something only to be had on a special occasion?
- A whole heap of cookie recipes that have proven to be favorites amongst kids, or so says Martha.
- A twist on the classic chex mix, “Nana’s Nuts & Bolts Recipe” is a must add to your holiday munching menu.
Who can resist mangoes? This sweet and juicy fruit is everyone’s favorite during summer. That is why we have some…