6 Early Gender Prediction Methods

Throughout both of my pregnancies I constantly wondered whether I was having a boy or a girl, but I resisted the urge to find out for sure. (Yes, I swore the ultrasound tech and my doctor to secrecy.) But, even though I never got the official word before my trip to the delivery room, I did test out a few gender-predicting old wives tales for fun. Some women swear by these more unusual methods, and some think old wives tales are just…tales. I interviewed doctors, authors, and moms — and I’m still on the fence. Check out this list of the six most popular early gender prediction methods, and decide for yourself whether any of them sound like gender prediction winners!

1. The Skull Gender Test Theory

A popular topic on message boards, this theory says that by observing the shape of your baby’s skull you can determine whether you’re going to have a boy or a girl. In forensic anthropology, the skull is the second most accurate form of sex estimation. Male skulls are thought to look blockier, with a square chin and prominent curves along the temple. In females, the chin is rounder and the top of the head is more tapered. Sound complicated? It is.  But, is this theory accurate? Find out

2. The Nub Gender Test Theory

This one is all about testing “the angle of the dangle.” A first trimester fetus has a genital tubercle (the nub); this theory says that you can determine whether that nub will develop into a penis or a clitoris by measuring the angle at which it lays, according to your baby’s 12-week ultrasound picture. If the nub — which is located near the fetus’s butt and looks kind of like a tail — is angled 30 degrees or higher, it means you’re carrying a boy; if the nub is level or angled down, it means you’re having a girl. But, is this theory accurate? Find out

3. The Baking Soda Gender Test Theory

Consider this test a DIY science experiment of sorts. To do it, mix a couple teaspoons of (fresh) baking soda into a clear cup with your urine. If your pee fizzes (or bubbles up) it means you’re having a boy; if it stays flat, you’re carrying a girl. Because it seems scientific, some people think this theory has some weight to it — but does it really? Find out

4. The Ring Gender Test Theory

Chances are, your grandma tried it: This theory is one of the oldest and most popular ones out there. To perform this test, tie your wedding ring (or another special ring) to a thread or strand of your hair and hold it over your belly while lying down on your back. If the ring sways side to side it means you’re having a boy, but if it swings in a circle or oval it means you’re having a girl. Is it really accurate? Find out

5. The Morning Sickness Gender Test Theory

Here’s another old — and super popular — one. According to this theory, if you have morning (or daytime or nighttime) sickness, you’re pregnant with a girl. Not sick at all? A boy is on the way. But, does your level or queasiness really indicate your baby’s gender? Find out

6. The Cravings Gender Test Theory

A lot of moms swear by this one, too. The theory goes that if you have a sweet tooth during your pregnancy, you’re going to have a girl. If salty, sour, or spicy foods are your jam, it’s a boy all the way. Does science agree? Find out

Did you try an alternative method for finding out your baby’s gender while pregnant? Share your experience in the comments section.

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Photo: Getty

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