Being Creative while Pregnant

Ideas To Enrich Your Creativity During Pregnancy

Of making things. Big things or little things. Average normal things. Things that each and every one of us can do. The sheer act of using your hands is the essence of creativity. Making things means creating things.

It is all so simple and liberating. Being creative is not just the domain of artists. It is the natural state of being human. We all have the creative spirit. And there is no better time to practice this then while you are pregnant.

Being pregnant is a natural time of creativity. Your body is busy creating life, it’s the most magical and mysterious creation of them all. But just in case you aren’t sure of  how to start, here are some suggestions to help you slow down and get in touch with your creative energies.

  • Plant a flower or tree from seed. Nurture it through your pregnancy and beyond.
  • Make a loaf of bread from scratch for your family.
  • Take pictures of your pregnant form. Trace your belly. Do pregnancy art projects.
  • Go to an arboretum, botanical garden or an art museum. Sketch whatever catches your fancy.
  • Dance. Feel the changing space that you occupy. Move to new rhythms.
  • Cook new dishes and incorporate spices that you’ve never tried before. Eat cuisines from around the world.
  • Listen to new sounds and new music. See jazz. Hear chamber music. Sing. Play an instrument that is new to you.
  • Fix something instead of throwing it out.
  • Do something for your community. Volunteer.

But mostly, try new things. Do something that is slightly outside your normal comfort zone. Just the act of doing anything new is creative enough and will empower you to try even more things. You are already creative and don’t let anyone’s judgment stop you from trying.

Be creative. Feel beautiful. Make Art. Bring happiness. What a tremendous gift for your new child.

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