Make Baby Food From Family Dinner: Poached Dill Salmon

Being a parent means that life is hectic and sometimes chaotic. Trying to get a nutritious dinner on the table while offering something healthy and yummy to the tiniest diner in the family can seem daunting at times. Quite often we find that there is just no time for short order cooking so take the opportunity to scrutinize your planned meal. This will lead you to realize how simple it can be to feed your baby the same dinner that the rest of the family is eating.

The other night I had poached salmon with butternut squash risotto and a side of steamed broccoli. Sure the broccoli is interesting and would have been a great addition to the photo but I wanted you to feast your eyes on the salmon and risotto; they are the true stars of the meal.

First up, the poached salmon with dill; can you just see the flaky potential in there? Poached salmon is a finger food dream. Smooth, moist, flaky and so very tender, this salmon is full of Omega 3’s and a true source of complete protein; yeas, it’s that nutritious! So poach up some salmon for the family tonight. It’s quick and easy to prepare, what more could a busy parent ask for in a recipe?

Poached Dill Salmon Recipe


  • 3 salmon filets (around 6 ounces each), skinless and deboned
  • 1 tablespoon real butter
  • 1 or 2 teaspoons of pepper, to taste
  • 2 fresh dill “stalks”
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 6 cups of water or try 3 cups chicken stock and 3 cups of water


In a heavy skillet, add the water, pepper, lemon juice and butter. Bring to a boil then add the dill. Gently add the salmon filets (water should just cover the filets and not drown them) and bring water back to simmer. Cover and simmer for approximately 5-7 minutes – salmon will flake easily and turn an opaque-pinkish color when done. Remove from liquid and serve.

For babies 8 months of age and older: Mash with a fork or flake off bite sized pieces of salmon. You can mix in yogurt or applesauce or if you are making the risotto, mix in the salmon.

Learn more about introducing fish to babies and find more wholesome baby food recipes.

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