Head to the Woods with Something Sweet this Summer!

Camping is a pretty sacred tradition in our household that goes back a few generations. In fact, my grandmother, mother, and I were all Girl Scouts® and thus active campers as well. As a kid, I can remember being overcome with excitement as I combed through my list of necessary gear for overnight camp: sleeping bag, hiking boots, and of course bear-friendly toiletries. I loved the anticipation of getting on the bus and driving off to camp with your new best friends for the week and dreaming of all the adventures that were about to come. Wilderness training, hiking, silly songs, fishing, crafts, and campfires galore! I also loved the idea of shedding your school identity and helping mold a different outdoorsy one. At camp you got to practice your independence, discover new things about yourself, and have fun getting dirty and sweaty and smelling like toasted marshmallows.

All of that camping as a kid prepared me for the adventures that were ahead in life. In high school, I was able to hop on a plane and go off to summer school programs across the country or in Europe with ease, and even getting dropped off at college was a breeze (except I did miss my sleeping bag). And as an adult I’m still actively camping with my family!

In fact, sharing the joys of camping with my daughter is one of the things that I’ve looked forward to all summer! While she may be too young to join the Girls Scouts® or go off to overnight camp on her own this year, we’ve reserved a few weekends away to camp under the stars, share in the gifts from nature, and enjoy a bit of campfire smoke too! In fact, her first camping trip to Yosemite was such a success that she keeps asking us when we’re going camping again!

Now you may not have had any exposure to camping as a kid, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help expose others to the great summer activity! In fact, all those Girl Scout Cookies® that you love actually help fund those amazing camping excursions and lessons for young girls! I’m often sad that Girl Scout Cookie™ season doesn’t coincide with summer camping, just because it might help make the connection to the funds they’re raising a bit more obvious. That’s why I was so excited to see Girl Scout Cookie® inspired flavors in store right now as Nestlé® Crunch® Girl Scout™ Candy Bars!

The Nestlé® Crunch® Girl Scout™ Candy Bars just happen to come in the best three Girl Scout Cookie™ flavors: Thin Mints®, Caramel & Coconut (a.k.a. Samoas/Caramel deLites), and Peanut Butter Crème (a.k.a. Peanut Butter Patties/Tag-a-longs).

Now I have no idea how they did it, but each bar tastes exactly like the cookie but with an airy texture from the wafer cookies inside. I mean, I should know because I keep extra boxes of actual Girl Scout Cookies® stashed in my freezer to last me the whole year, and the Caramel & Coconut candy bar is a dead ringer for a Samoa! But it’s actually perfect for summer because you want to enjoy a lighter snack on hot days, especially if it has chocolate!

I did a blind taste test with some family members and didn’t tell them anything except that they’d be tasting some candy bars. When I asked them if it reminded them of any other candy or cookie flavor, they all associated it with the respective Girl Scout cookie without fail! And they all asked if there were more to try, taste, or otherwise devour!

So if you need to find me this summer, I’ll be spending my weekends in a tent in the woods and my weekdays devouring Nestlé® Crunch® Girl Scout™ Candy Bars and savoring all those memories of camping that those cookie flavors evoke!

This post was sponsored by Nestlé’® Crunch®

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